Dear Much Asphalt Stakeholder
Herewith an update on the bitumen supply status, as well as the bulk bitumen consignments received and planned for the immediate future.
The reality currently is that only NATREF is producing bitumen in South Africa. The closure of SAPREF came into effect at the end of March 2022, whilst the situation at the Astron Refinery and Engen Refinery has not changed from the previous update i.e., these entities remain closed. Loading slots from NATREF are limited for both 50/70 and 70/100 pen grade bitumen.
Samples of the bulk consignment of imported 50/70 pen grade bitumen received into the Cape Town Harbour has been tested extensively following the first round of tests done initially at the time of offloading. As the Mass Change value showed some improvement on some of the samples and those that did not, failed only marginally, the decision is to use this bitumen in asphalt and in the manufacture of modified binders. The latter is possible with an adjustment of the blending formula which then produces an acceptable modified binder.
The updated planned delivery dates of the bulk consignments of bitumen are as follows:
1. A 50/70 pen grade ship into Durban with an ETA of 14 April
2. A 50/70 pen grade ship into Durban with an ETA of 30 April
3. A 70/100 pen grade ship into Cape Town with an ETA of 15 May
4. A 70/100 pen grade ship into Durban with an ETA end of May
Again proper, and timeous planning remain key in ensuring the ability of the market to meet the bituminous demand. Please contact us should you see the need to discuss concerns you may have.
We once again wish to confirm our commitment to firstly quality product, and secondly, ensuring an excellent level of service to our customers.
Yours faithfully
Managing Director